Pittura Neorupestre  ·  Neo-Cave painting

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Monograph on Andrea Benetti

Pittura Neorupestre  ·  Neo Cave painting” 
The monograph on the painting of Andrea Benetti

Pittura Neorupestre · Neo Cave painting” is a monograph on Andrea Benetti and his Neo-Cave painting, recognized as an international phenomenon. The publication is in dual language, Italian and English. The editorial work is a project curated by Diletta Iacuaniello, who has collected the most significant works from the latest period of painting, but with a focus on those from Andrea Benetti‘s near past, together with the Manifesto of Neo-Cave Art. The publishing house is Qudulibri, which strongly wanted this monographic work, which archives Andrea Benetti‘s artistic work and places it in the international context of contemporary art. The selected texts are: the biography of Andrea Benetti and the “Manifesto of Neo-Cave Art.”

The monograph is entitled “Pittura Neorupestre  ·  Neo Cave Painting” by Andrea Benetti 
Texts: Andrea Benetti  ·  Diletta Iacuaniello pagg. 168  ·  €. 25,00 
© 2019 monograph editions qudulibri ISBN 9788899007799