Andrea Benetti’s exhibition in Ascoli, curated by professor Stefano Papetti

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Andrea Benetti's exhibition at the Captain's Palace in Ascoli

For the entire month of April 2014, an exhibition by Andrea Benetti, curated by Professor Stefano Papetti of the University of Camerino, scientific curator of the Municipal Collections of Ascoli Piceno, was held in the rooms of the Captain’s Palace in the splendid Piazza del Popolo in Ascoli Piceno. Entitled ‘From Rock to Canvas – Travertine in Neo-Cave Painting’, the artistic event was organised by Professor Rocco Fazzini and strongly supported by A.N.F.E. Marche and the Municipality of Ascoli Piceno.

Andrea Benetti ad Ascoli | Le opere di Andrea Benetti in mostra a Palazzo dei Capitani, ad Ascoli Piceno. a cura del professor Stefano Papetti

Pictured: Mayor avv. Guido Castelli, Prof. Stefano Papetti, Frank Nemola, 
Andrea Benetti and Prof. Rocco Fazzini, president of A.N.F.E. Marche