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November 2010 · Andrea Benetti‘s work acquired by the U.N. United Nations Art Collection

U.S.A. · New York · United Nations Headquarters

The artwork by Andrea Benetti titled “Against violence” 
was donated by the Pegaso European Institute to the United Nations Art Collection 

On November 18–19, 2010, the Academic Impact conference was held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, with representatives from 130 universities worldwide in attendance. During the opening ceremony, at a meeting with the Secretary-General, His Excellency Ban Ki-moon, Dr. Di Conza, Director of the Pegaso European Institute, presented Andrea Benetti’s artwork, “Against Violence”, to the United Nations Art Collection on behalf of the Institute. The work, created in 2007, measures 14 x 19 cm and is composed of oil and coffee on a bas-relief in plaster on canvas cardboard.

His Excellency Ban Ki Moon receives Andrea Benetti’s work for the United Nations Collection