The symbolism in Neo-Cave painting | Syracuse

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Solo exhibition catalog

Montevergini  ·  Contemporary Art Gallery of Syracuse 
“The symbolism in Neo-Cave painting” by Andrea Benetti 
curated by Gregorio Rossi and Dario Scarfì 

In August and September 2012, an exhibition by Andrea Benetti entitled “The symbolism in Neo-Cave painting” was held in the halls of Montevergini, the Contemporary Art Gallery of Syracuse. Forty-two selected works from the period 2008 / 2012 to narrate the innovative painting of the Emilian artist. The exhibition and catalog are curated by Dario Scarfì and Gregorio Rossi. In this exhibition, Andrea Benetti rereads and gives contemporary interpretations to the symbols present in Cave painting, placing them side by side with a neo-symbology, the result of his creativity and iconographic research.

Promotion of the exhibition
University of Bologna · Department of Culture of the City of Syracuse · 
Montevergini – Syracuse contemporary art gallery · Andrea Benetti Archive 

Scientific Collaboration

University of Bologna · Department of Culture of the City of Syracuse · 
Montevergini – Syracuse contemporary art gallery · Andrea Benetti Archive 

Under the patronage

University of Bologna · Sicily Region · Province of Syracuse · Municipality of Syracuse · 
Johns Hopkins University · MACIA – Museum of Contemporary Italian Art in America 

The catalog is entitled “The symbolism in Neo-Cave painting” 

Testi: A. Benetti  ·  G. Rossi  ·  D. Scarfì  ·  S. Collina 
pagg. 92  ·  © 2012  ·  Italian/English