Ascoli Piceno | Palazzo dei Capitani

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March 28 > April 29, 2025 · The exhibition by Andrea Benetti and Dario Binetti at Palazzo dei Capitani, Ascoli Piceno

Ascoli Piceno  ·  Palazzo dei Capitani

Piazza del Popolo · Headquarters of the Municipality of Ascoli Piceno

“Luce nel silenzio”  by Andrea Benetti and Dario Binetti curated by Prof. Stefano Papetti 

Under the patronage of the Municipality of Ascoli Piceno

The Italian Art Promotion Association and Alchemical Shadows, under the patronage of the Marche Region and the Municipality of Ascoli Piceno, are pleased to present the twenty-one works from the “Light in Silence” collection by Andrea Benetti and Dario Binetti. This project, curated by Professor Stefano Papetti, will be exhibited at Palazzo dei Capitani from March 28 to April 29, 2025.

“Luce nel Silenzio” is an evocative exploration of the relationship between spirituality and natural elements, interpreted through the innovative photographic language of Andrea Benetti and Dario Binetti. The works, created in the magnificent Grotte di Castellana, celebrate feminine sacredness and the power of nature, embodied in symbolic figures. Each photograph, unique and unrepeatable, blends traditional techniques and contemporary innovations, employing skillfully crafted plaster bas-reliefs on canvas and high-definition prints with powdered colors polymerized using UV rays. This process creates artworks that, from a distance, appear as impeccably defined photographs, but upon closer inspection, reveal material details that amplify the dialogue between image and texture. The exhibition is a tribute to the cultural richness of Ascoli Piceno, combining artistic innovation with spirituality and a dialogue between past and present. The caves, a symbol of birth and transformation, become sacred spaces where human presence engages with nature in a silence rich with meaning.


The inauguration will take place on Friday, March 28, 2025, at 6:00 PM, at Palazzo dei Capitani in Ascoli Piceno. 
Information: Culture Department of the Municipality of Ascoli Piceno · · Phone: 0736 298790

The invitation