So far and yet so near VR60768 is the identification code of a rare Paleolithic artifact, but for the non-expert […]

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The sign of eternity “Lascaux Man created, and created out of nothing, this world of art in which communication between individual minds begins” Georges Bataille, Lascaux. The Birth of […]

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Creation and desire The first man who plotted on a wall an intentional sign, or left an image of his […]

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The power of imagery · Andrea Benetti’s neograffittism “It is highly probable that these paintings are the most ancient relics […]

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Glimpses Toward the Imaginary In art, fascination with the past is nothing new. This is witnessed by the exploration of […]

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From the rock to the canvas The experimentation of the new technologies applied to the artistic production generates an unexpected […]

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An “ecological” expressive reductionism The technique an artist employs is never neutral nor indifferent. On the contrary, it carries impressive […]

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La Spezia, March 8, 2024 · Andrea Benetti’s installation at the Parco delle Mura La Spezia  ·  The city with […]

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“Andrea Benetti: una perla rara” di Gregorio Rossi All’alba della vita, quell’uomo impaurito ed affamato, tracciava segni sulla parete rocciosa […]

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“La ventosa e ripida strada dell’arte” di Roberto Sabatelli A Benetti, il nuovo per il nuovo non gli interessa, la […]

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