Bologna | Regional Council

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September and October 2021 · Andrea Benetti’s exhibition in Bologna, in the Palace of the Region

Bologna · Legislative Assembly Building of the Regional Council of Emilia Romagna 

“Timeless shapes” by Andrea Benetti 
curated by Elisa Mazzagardi 

Organized by the Emilia Romagna Region and with the patronage of the Municipality of Bologna, in the months of September and October 2021, the Andrea Benetti’s exhibition, curated by Elisa Mazzagardi, on the theme of the origins of art, entitled “Timeless shapes”. With this exhibition, Andrea Benetti wants to underline the presence of abstractionism already in prehistory, thanks to Cave painting. The catalog texts are edited by Stefano Bonaga, Andrea Benetti, Gregorio Rossi and Corrado Rozzi.

Consiglio Regionale Andrea Benetti


The catalog “Timeless shapes” 
Texts S. Bonaga · A. Benetti · G. Rossi · C. Rozzi · pagg. 44 
© 2021 qudulibri editions catalog · ISBN 978-88-99007-90-4