Francavilla al Mare | LXI Michetti Award

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July and August 2010 · Andrea Benetti was invited to the 61st Francesco Paolo Michetti Award

Francavilla al Mare · MuMi · F. P. Michetti Museum

Andrea Benetti exhibited at the 61st edition of the Michetti Award, the prestigious and long-running contemporary art exhibition, which has been held every year since 1947. Inaugurated on July 24, it remained open until August 31, 2010. Andrea Benetti was invited to exhibit their works at the LXI edition of the Michetti Award, curated by prof. Carlo Fabrizio Carli and entitled “Diorama italiano”. The international contemporary art award has taken place every year since 1947 in Francavilla al Mare (CH) and is one of the most prestigious and long-running art exhibitions in Italy. Participation, as for the Venice Art Biennial, is by invitation. In 2010, to crown a year full of successes, Andrea Benetti was invited to participate in the renowned Award.

lxi premio michetti francavilla

The catalog “LXI Premio Michetti · Diorama italiano” 
Text Carlo Fabrizio Carli · pagg. 102 
© 2010 Vallecchi editions · ISBN 978-88-8427-210-2