La Spezia | San Giorgio Castle Museum

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August and September 2016 · Andrea Benetti’s exhibition in La Spezia, in the San Giorgio Castle Museum

La Spezia · San Giorgio Castle Museum · Organized by the Municipality of La Spezia 

“Omaggio alla Pittura Rupestre” by Andrea Benetti 
curated by Marzia Ratti 

Andrea Benetti’s exhibition project has reached its third stage, in the rooms of the Museum of the San Giorgio Castle, in La Spezia, after being presented at the Chamber of Deputies in April 2015 (VR60768 · anthropomorphic figure) and at the University of Ferrara, in May and June 2016 (preHistoria Contemporanea). The exhibition entitled “Omaggio alla pittura Rupestre” by Andrea Benetti, curated by Marzia Ratti and inspired by the origins of cave painting, was held in the months of August and September 2016 in the rooms of the San Giorgio Castle Museum. An integral part of the exhibition was the projection of a video art work, created by Benetti on the same theme as the exhibition.


The catalog “Omaggio alla pittura Rupestre” 
Texts A. Benetti · P. Fameli · A. Marrone · M. Ratti · pagg. 60 
© 2016 qudulibri editions catalog · ISBN 978-88-99007-23-28