Rome | Chamber of Deputies

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April 2015 · Andrea Benetti’s exhibition in Rome, at the Chamber of Deputies

April 2015 · Andrea Benetti’s works on show at the Chamber of Deputies 

VR60768 · anthropomorphic figure” by Andrea Benetti 
curated by professors Silvia Grandi and Marco Peresani 

In April 2015, Andrea Benetti’s exhibition entitled “VR60768 anthropomophic figures” took place at the Chamber of Deputies, in the Vicolo Valdina Building. Eleven drawings and thirty-two works on canvas were on display, as well as a video art work entitled ‘essentia’, created together with Basmati Film group. Also on display were two stones painted with ochre some 40,000 years ago, discovered in the Fumane cave by researchers from the University of Ferrara. The exhibition was curated by Prof. Silvia Grandi and Prof. Marco Peresani and was promoted by the Chamber of Deputies, the Department of Arts of the University of Bologna, and the Department of Humanistic Studies of the University of Ferrara. It received the patronage of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, the Veneto Region, the Lessinia Regional Natural Park and the Grotta di Fumane.

roma camera dei deputati andrea benetti


The catalog is entitled “VR60768 − anthropomorphic figure” by Andrea Benetti  ·  
Texts: Andrea Benetti, Silvia Grandi, Marco Peresani, Matteo Romandini, Giuseppe Virelli  ·  
pagg. 80  ·  €. 18,00  ·   © 2015 qudulibri editions catalog · ISBN 978-88-99007-05-8