Istinto primitivo II 2009, cm 40 x 30, oil, henna and cocoa and acrylic on bas-relief in plaster on canvas […]

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Bologna, April 2013 · A work by Andrea Benetti has been acquired in the Collection of the Mambo · Museum of […]

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Venice, Aprile 2, 2023 · A work by Andrea Benetti has been acquired in the Collection of the Giacomo Casanova Foundation […]

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Ferrara, September 2016 · A work by Andrea Benetti has been acquired in the University of Ferrara’s Collection Ominide di Porto […]

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Bari, March 2014 · A work by Andrea Benetti has been acquired in the University of Bari’s Collection  Imbarcazione con alberi […]

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Bologna, May 2022 · A work by Andrea Benetti has been acquired in the Collection of the U.N.E.S.C.O. (Central Italy)  Cavallo […]

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Pisa, August 2020 · A work by Andrea Benetti has been acquired in the ArtinGenio Museum’s Collection  Trittico Vespa II 2016, […]

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La Spezia, May 2017  ·  A work by Andrea Benetti has been acquired in the Collection of the CAMeC – Museum of Contemporary […]

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Francavilla a Mare (CH), March 2011 · A work by Andrea Benetti has been acquired in the Collection of the MuMi – […]

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Ascoli Piceno, April 2014 · A work by Andrea Benetti has been acquired in the Collection of the Ascoli Piceno Museum […]

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