Lecce, July 2015 · A work by Andrea Benetti has been acquired in the Collection of the Municipality of Lecce  La coerenza […]

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Follonica (GR), July 2008 · A work by Andrea Benetti has been acquired in the Collection Follonica Civic Art Gallery “Amedeo Modigliani”  […]

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Modigliana (FC), June 2008 · A work by Andrea Benetti has been acquired in the Collection Modigliana Civic Art Gallery “Silvestro Lega”  Il […]

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Castellana Grotte (BA), September 2011 · A work by Andrea Benetti has been acquired in the Collection Speleological Museum “Franco Anelli”  […]

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Wellington, Dicember 2008 · A work by Andrea Benetti has been acquired in the Collection of the Italian Embassy in New Zealand  […]

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Beijing, June 2008 · A work by Andrea Benetti has been acquired in the Collection of the Italian Embassy in China  L’alba […]

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Venice, June 2008 · A work by Andrea Benetti has been acquired in the Facchini · La Fenice et des Artistes’s […]

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Banari (SS), November 2008 · A work by Andrea Benetti has been acquired in the Collection of the Museum of the […]

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