March 2013 · Andrea Benetti‘s work was acquired in the Montecitorio Palace’s Collection
Rome · Chamber of Deputies Collection
Andrea Benetti‘s work dedicated to the collapse of
Berlin Wall was acquired in the Collection of
Chamber of Deputies at Montecitorio Palace
On March 1, 2013, Andrea Benetti was received at the Chamber of Deputies, at Montecitorio Palace, for the acquisition of the work entitled “9 Novembre 1989“, in the Art Collection of the Chamber of Deputies. The work is a bas-relief made and painted on canvas, measuring 60 x 80 cm, and deals with the theme of the fall of the Berlin Wall and the consequent fall of communism in the Soviet Union. Once the acquisition paperwork was completed, Andrea Benetti was accompanied to visit the Palazzo di Montecitorio.
Andrea Benetti together with the engineer Bonanni, delivers
the work for the collection of the Chamber of Deputies