Beijing, June 2008 · A work by Andrea Benetti has been acquired in the Collection of the Italian Embassy in China  L’alba […]

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Museum catalog La Raccolta Rinaldi-Paladino Il Novecento Mondadori editions   The Collection owned by Riccardo Rinaldi and called the Rinaldi-Paladino Collection […]

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Venice, June 2008 · A work by Andrea Benetti has been acquired in the Facchini · La Fenice et des Artistes’s […]

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“An unusual exploration into velocity”  from an idea by Andrea Benetti Andrea Benetti’s book entitled “An unusual exploration into velocity” of […]

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Banari (SS), November 2008 · A work by Andrea Benetti has been acquired in the Collection of the Museum of the […]

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Carlo Cambi Editions In early 2012, to mark the 60th year since Keith Haring’s birth, the publication “Keith Haring, Drawing […]

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Catalog acquisition work Acquired a work by Andrea Benetti in the Quirinale Art Collection On March 9, 2012, the acquisition […]

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October 2020 · The 49th “Nettuno d’Oro Award” awarded to Andrea Benetti in Bologna Bologna · Royal Hotel Carlton In […]

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Monograph on Andrea Benetti “La spiritualità nell’arte Neorupestre” · The monograph on the art of Andrea Benetti The title of […]

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Monograph on Andrea Benetti “Alle origini della pittura”  ·  The monograph on the painting of Andrea Benetti The publication published […]

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