The interview with Andrea Benetti on stage at MAST in Bologna Bologna, MAST, 21 November 2017 – An interview with […]

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September 2013 · Symphonie de Couleurs · Collective exhibition in Venice, at Merati d’Audiffret Palace Venice  ·  Merati d’Audiffret Palace […]

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At Andrea Benetti’s exhibition together with Estela Carlotto Andrea Benetti with Estela Carlotto, the President of the Abuelas de Plaza […]

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Andrea Benetti’s exhibition at the Carlo V Castle in Lecce In June and July 2015, Andrea Benetti’s exhibition ‘Abstractism of […]

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Andrea Benetti with Silvia Grandi and Frank Nemola Andrea Benetti, together with Silvia Grandi and Frank Nemola, at the inauguration […]

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April 2013 ·  Andrea Benetti’s exhibition in Bologna, at D’Accursio Palace Bologna · D’Accursio Palace organized by the University of […]

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March 2013 · Andrea Benetti’s work was acquired in the Collection of the Argentine Ministry of Justice Argentina · Buenos […]

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The acquisition of a work by Andrea Benetti at the Chamber of Deputies A work by Andrea Benetti has been […]

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March 2013 ·  Andrea Benetti’s work was acquired in the Montecitorio Palace’s Collection Rome  ·  Chamber of Deputies Collection Andrea […]

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December 2012 · Andrea Benetti’s exhibition in Bologna, at Pepoli-Campogrande Palace Bologna  ·  Pepoli-Campogrande Palace with the patronage of the […]

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