December 2009 · Rome, Hotel Cavalieri Hilton · A work for the best cardiology researcher Rome  ·  Hotel  Cavalieri  Hilton […]

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December 2009 · “La pittura come emozione” · Collective exhibition in Bologna, at Malvezzi Palace Bologna  ·  Malvezzi Palace  ·  […]

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Andrea Benetti and Vittorio Sgarbi at Taverna Palace in Rome In Rome, the exhibition ‘Portraits d’Artistes‘, set up in Taverna […]

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November 2009 · 53rd Venice Art Biennial · Andrea Benetti presented the Manifesto of Neo-Cave Art Venezia  ·  Ca’ Foscari […]

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December 2008 · A work by Andrea Benetti acquired in the collection of the Italian Embassy in New Zealand Wellington […]

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November 2008 · Andrea Benetti at MINT · Milan International Antiques and Modern Art Fair Sforza Castle · Milan · […]

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October 2008 · A work by Andrea Benetti acquired in the Rinaldi-Paladino Art Collection Switzerland · Lugano · Rinaldi-Paladino Art […]

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September 2008 · Andrea Benetti’s work was acquired in the M.A.C.I.A. Museum Collection Costa Rica · San Jose · M.A.C.I.A. […]

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September 2008 · Andrea Benetti’s exhibition in Bologna, at the Johns Hopkins University Bologna · Johns Hopkins University “September 2001  […]

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July 2008 · A work by Andrea Benetti acquired in the collection of the Amedeo Modigliani Pinacotheca  Follonica  ·  Amedeo […]

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