Exhibitions, events and news

This page lists the most important events, exhibitions and acquisitions of works by Andrea Benetti by museums and institutional art collections. The milestones, which have characterised Andrea Benetti's artistic careerover the last twenty years, are recounted. When Andrea Benetti events are already scheduled, they will be displayed at the top of the page, with a preview of the dates, venues and contents of the event.

volti contro la violenza

Bologna | D’Accursio Palace

November and December 2017 ·  Andrea Benetti’s exhibition in Bologna, at D’Accursio Palace Bologna  ·  D’Accursio Palace on th...

Museo Civico di Gallipoli

Gallipoli | Civic Museum

April 2017 · Andrea Benetti’s exhibition in Gallipoli, in the Civic Museum Gallipoli · “E. Barba” Civic Museum on the […]...

Modigliana Pinacoteca Silvestro Lega

Collections | Modigliana · Silvestro Lega Pinacotheca

June 2008 · A work by Andrea Benetti acquired in the collection of the Silvestro Lega Pinacotheca  Modigliana · Silvestro […]...

Collezioni Follonica Pinacoteca Modigliani

Collections | Follonica · Modigliani Pinacotheca

July 2008 · A work by Andrea Benetti acquired in the collection of the Amedeo Modigliani Pinacotheca  Follonica  ·  Amedeo […]...

Complesso dei Bastardini Bologna

Bologna | Bastardini Palace

January 2017 · Andrea Benetti’s exhibition in Bologna, in the Bastardini Palace Bologna · Bastardini Palace during Arte Fiera 2017 […]...

Collezioni Ambasciata in Cina

Collections | Embassy in China

June 2008 · A work by Andrea Benetti acquired in the Collection of the Italian Embassy in China Beijing · […]...

Ambasciata in Nuova Zelanda

Collections | Embassy in New Zealand

December 2008 · A work by Andrea Benetti acquired in the collection of the Italian Embassy in New Zealand Wellington […]...

Bologna Grand Hotel Baglioni

Bologna | Grand Hotel Baglioni

May and June 2011 · Andrea Benetti’s exhibition in Bologna, at the Grand Hotel Baglioni Municipality of Bologna  ·  Unindustria  […]...

Lecce Collezione Comunale d'Arte

Collections | Lecce · Municipal Collection

November 2015 ·  A work by Andrea Benetti acquired in the Municipal Collection of Lecce Lecce  ·  Municipal Palace Andrea […]...

Signum Crucis di Andrea Benetti

Bologna | Bastardini Palace

January 2016 · Andrea Benetti’s exhibition in Bologna, in the Bastardini Palace Bologna · Bastardini Palace during the 40th anniversary [&hell...

MINT Milano Castello Sforzesco

Milano | MINT · Sforza Castle

November 2008 · Andrea Benetti at MINT · Milan International Antiques and Modern Art Fair Sforza Castle · Milan · […]...

Venezia Palazzo Merati d'Audiffret

Venice | Merati d’Audiffret Palace

September 2013 · Symphonie de Couleurs · Collective exhibition in Venice, at Merati d’Audiffret Palace Venice  ·  Merati d’Audiffret ...

A Roma Palazzo Brancaccio

Rome | Brancaccio Palace

February 2011 · Andrea Benetti’s exhibition in Rome, at Brancaccio Palace Rome · Brancaccio Palace “La Pittura Neorupestre” by And...

La pittura come emozione

Bologna | Malvezzi Palace

December 2009 · “La pittura come emozione” · Collective exhibition in Bologna, at Malvezzi Palace Bologna  ·  Malvezzi Palace  ·  ...