Exhibitions, events and news

This page lists the most important events, exhibitions and acquisitions of works by Andrea Benetti by museums and institutional art collections. The milestones, which have characterised Andrea Benetti's artistic careerover the last twenty years, are recounted. When Andrea Benetti events are already scheduled, they will be displayed at the top of the page, with a preview of the dates, venues and contents of the event.

Collezione di Palazzo Montecitorio eventi mostre acquisizioni collezioni Collezioni Camera dei Deputati

Collections | Chamber of Deputies

March 2013 ·  Andrea Benetti’s work was acquired in the Montecitorio Palace’s Collection Rome  ·  Chamber of Deputies Collection Andr...

Collezioni MamBo Bologna - Acquisita un'opera di Andrea Benetti

Collections | Bologna · MamBo

April 2008 · Andrea Benetti’s work was acquired in the MamBo Museum Collection Bologna · MamBo Museum The work by […]...


Milan | ArTheoria Space

November and December 2023 · Andrea Benetti’s exhibition in Milan, in the ArTheoria Space Milan  ·  ArTheoria Space organized by Theoria ...

Andrea Benetti con Sgarbi La mostra Portraits d’Artistes

Rome | Taverna Palace

November 2010 · Portraits d’Artistes · Collective exhibition in Rome, at Taverna Palace Rome · Taverna Palace  ·   Legal Archives [&helli...

Bologna - Johns Hopkins University - Le opere di Andrea Benetti

Bologna | Johns Hopkins University

September 2008 · Andrea Benetti’s exhibition in Bologna, at the Johns Hopkins University Bologna · Johns Hopkins University “September 2...

PreHistoria Contemporanea di Andrea

Ferrara | University of Ferrara

May and June 2016 · Andrea Benetti’s exhibition at the University of Ferrara, at Turchi di Bagno Palace Ferrara ·  […]...

Bari Università degli Studi arte pittura

Bari | Aldo Moro University

February and March 2014 · University of Bari · Andrea Benetti’s seminar and exhibition Bari · Aldo Moro University · […]...

Collezioni Copelouzos Art Museum

Collections | Copelouzos Art Museum

April 2021 · Andrea Benetti’s work was acquired in the Copelouzos Art Museums Collection Greece · Athens · Copelouzos Art […]...

Università Roma Tre - Intervista ad Andrea Benetti per il corso di laurea in Scienze della Formazione

Rome | Roma Tre University

November 2012 · Roma Tre University · The Seminar on Neo-Cave art Rome  ·  University Roma Tre  ·  Educational Sciences […]...

Venezia Collezione Fondazione Casanova

Collections | Casanova Foundation Venice

April 2023 · Andrea Benetti’s work was acquired in the Collection of the Giacomo Casanova Foundation Venice  ·  Zaguri Palace  […]...

Roma - Palazzo Taverna - La mostra di Andrea Benetti

Rome | Taverna Palace

October 2012 · Andrea Benetti’s exhibition in Rome, at Taverna Palace Rome · Taverna Palace · Amedeo Modigliani Legal Archives […]...

Lecce Università del Salento - Il Seminario sull’Arte Neorupestre a Lecce all'Università del Salento

Lecce | University of Salento

May 2008 · University of Lecce · The Seminar on Neo-Cave art Lecce · Faculty of Cultural Heritage of the […]...

Ministero di Giustizia Argentino

Collections | Argentina · Ministry of Justice

March 2013 · Andrea Benetti’s work was acquired in the Collection of the Argentine Ministry of Justice Argentina · Buenos […]...

LXI Premio Michetti - Francavilla Collezioni Museo Michetti Francavilla

Francavilla al Mare | LXI Michetti Award

July and August 2010 · Andrea Benetti was invited to the 61st Francesco Paolo Michetti Award Francavilla al Mare · […]...